Sports Rehab in westbengal

Sports rehabilitation is a process that helps injured athletes return to sports safely and without the risk of further injury. Some Examples of sports injury : injury of knees, rotator cuff injury of shoulder, ankle injury etc. The treatment involves a combination of physical therapy, exercise, and other treatments to restore function and reduce pain. Healing Touch provides treatments for sports rehabilitation using a variety of therapeutic approaches aimed at reducing pain, promoting healing, and improving mobility for athletes recovering from injuries.

Equipment Used For : Sports Rehab in westbengal

Treatment Procedure : Sports Rehab in westbengal

Sports Rehab in westbengal Video

Frequently Asked Questions For : Sports Rehab in westbengal

  • Sports injuries can happen for a variety of reasons, and often, multiple factors are at play. Here are some of the most common causes: Overuse, Poor Technique, Insufficient Rest, Fatigue, Weak Muscles or Imbalance, Improper Equipment

It’s important to know when to seek professional help for a sports injury to avoid further damage and ensure proper healing. Here are some signs that indicate you should see a healthcare professional:

  1. Severe Pain
  2. Swelling or Bruising
  3. Inability to Move the Injured Area
  4. Numbness or Tingling
  5. Joint Deformity or Instability

Yes, physiotherapy is an excellent treatment option for sports injuries and can play a key role in both recovery and prevention. Physiotherapists are trained to assess, treat, and help you recover from sports-related injuries by focusing on improving movement, strength, and flexibility. 


Physiotherapy offers a wide range of treatments for sports injuries, designed to help manage pain, promote healing, restore function, and prevent future injuries. The treatment plan will vary depending on the nature and severity of the injury, but the most common physiotherapy treatments used for sports injuries are Class IV Laser Therapy & FDM Therapy, which are available in our Healing Touch Pain Clinic.

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